Installing kWIP

The full way


  • zlib
  • cmake>=2.8
  • Optionally, liboxli and Eigen3 are required. These libraries are bundled with kWIP, and the internal copy will be used if system copies are not.
  • A C++11 compiler that supports OpenMP (i.e. gcc >=4.8)

On Debian (or Debian derivatives) the dependencies of kWIP can be installed with:

sudo apt-get install zlib1g-dev cmake build-essential git

Then, to compile kWIP:

git clone
cd kWIP
mkdir build && cd build
make test
make install

The commands above assume you want to install kWIP to your home directory. This is probably required on clusters, and necessary without root privileges. To install to, e.g, /usr/local/, replace all occurrences of $HOME with your preferred installation prefix.

The easy way

Pre-compiled static binaries for 64-bit GNU/Linux are provided on the GitHub releases page in an archive named kwip-binaries_VERSION.tar.xz or similar (where VERSION is the latest released version). Please download this to your GNU/Linux machine, and:

# Assuming you want to install to ~/bin/kwip

# If ~/bin/ is not in $PATH, you won't be able to use kwip.
# Perform the command below to ensure PATH is set correctly.
echo "PATH=\"${PREFIX}/bin:\${PATH}\"" >> ~/.bashrc
. ~/.bashrc

# Below, repace all text in quotes with the URL to the archive
# on the GitHub release page

# Extract the precompile binaries and documentation
tar xvf kwip-binaries*.tar.xz

# Check your installation by typing
kwip --help

# The HTML documenation is available under ./share/doc/kwip
ls $PREFIX/share/doc/kwip